Jimpl.com: Online Photo Metadata and EXIF Data Viewer

Jimpl.com is a free online photo metadata and EXIF data viewer that allows you to view, analyze, and remove metadata from your photos. It is a powerful tool for photographers, privacy-conscious individuals, and anyone who wants to learn more about the photos they take and share.

Key Takeaways

  • View and analyze the EXIF data of your photos with Jimpl.com
  • Remove metadata and location information to protect your privacy
  • Reduce file size and optimize website load speed by removing metadata
  • Discover the camera settings and GPS coordinates of a photo
  • Enjoy the convenient feature of locating photos on Google Maps

How Jimpl.com Works

To use Jimpl.com, simply drag and drop a photo file onto the website or click the “Upload” button to select a file from your computer. Jimpl.com will then automatically scan the photo and display all of its metadata in a clear and concise table.

The metadata that Jimpl.com displays includes:

  • Camera settings: aperture, shutter speed, ISO, lens focal length, flash mode, etc.
  • GPS coordinates: the latitude and longitude of where the photo was taken
  • Date and time: the date and time that the photo was taken
  • File size
  • File type
  • Image dimensions
  • Copyright information

Why is metadata and EXIF data important?

Metadata and EXIF data can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Photographers: Photographers can use metadata to track their camera settings and exposure data over time. This information can be helpful for improving their photography skills and creating more consistent results.
  • Photo editors: Photo editors can use metadata to adjust the colors, brightness, and contrast of photos without losing any of the original data.
  • Web designers: Web designers can use metadata to optimize the file size and load speed of images on their websites.
  • Security researchers: Security researchers can use metadata to identify potential copyright violations and track the spread of malware.

Risks Associated with Sharing Images Without Considering Metadata

Sharing images without considering the metadata can pose a number of privacy and security risks. For example, the EXIF data of a photo can reveal your location, the type of camera you used, and the date and time that the photo was taken. This information could be used by criminals to track your movements, target you for theft or fraud, or even identify your home address.

Benefits of Removing Metadata

Removing metadata from your photos before sharing them online can help to protect your privacy and security. It can also reduce the file size of your photos, which can be helpful for saving storage space and improving website load speed.

Exploring EXIF Data with Jimpl.com

In addition to viewing and removing metadata, Jimpl.com also allows you to explore the EXIF data of your photos in more detail. For example, you can use Jimpl.com to:

  • View the camera settings that were used to take the photo
  • See the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken
  • Learn about the different types of metadata that are stored in the photo
  • Search for photos based on their metadata

Jimpl.com: A Tool for Photographers and Privacy Protection

Jimpl.com is a valuable tool for photographers and privacy-conscious individuals alike. It is a free, easy-to-use online service that allows you to view, analyze, and remove metadata from your photos.

Benefits of Jimpl.com

  • Effortlessly view and manage photo metadata and EXIF data
  • Retrieve valuable insights for photography improvement
  • Improve the location of your photos on Google Maps
  • Protect your privacy by removing metadata and locations
  • Optimize website load speeds and minimize traffic costs


Jimpl.com is a powerful and versatile tool for managing photo metadata and EXIF data. It is a valuable resource for photographers, privacy-conscious individuals, and anyone who wants to learn more about the photos they take and share.


Is Jimpl.com free to use?

Yes, Jimpl.com is a free online service. You can view, analyze, and remove metadata from your photos without any restrictions.

Is Jimpl.com safe to use?

Yes, Jimpl.com is a safe and secure service. Your photos are only uploaded to Jimpl.com’s servers for the purpose of processing your metadata request. Once your request is complete, your photos are immediately deleted from the servers.

What types of photos can I upload to Jimpl.com?

You can upload any type of photo to Jimpl.com, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and RAW files.

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